What If I Get My Hopes Up…And I Fail?

Episode 006

0:06 - Navigating the Risks of Pursuing Dreams

11:49 - Keep Your Hopes Up

24:34 - Manifesting Dreams and Overcoming Doubt

29:09 - Prioritizing Your Dreams and Overcoming Doubt

38:51 - Journey to Manifesting Dreams

Fear is often the biggest obstacle on our path to manifesting our dreams. In our latest podcast episode, "What If I Get My Hopes Up…And I Fail?," we discuss how to navigate these fears and doubts. We emphasize the importance of taking calculated risks as they are the doorways to possibilities and dreams. Not taking risks shuts down these possibilities, potentially thwarting our dreams. We provide guidance on evaluating these risks and ensuring they don't turn into roadblocks in our pathway to achieving our dreams.

A significant portion of the episode is dedicated to exploring the fear of getting our hopes up too high. This fear is demystified by illustrating the difference between taking unnecessary risks and calculated ones. The key is to maintain a high hope frequency, which matches the frequency of our desires. Maintaining this frequency for an extended period can bring our manifestations to life.

The episode also discusses the concept of active dreaming, a process that makes the journey towards manifestation enjoyable and believable. We delve into how sometimes we might feel like we're going crazy when we persistently pursue our dreams, but that's just part of the journey.

An interesting segment of the episode shares a personal account of how adopting someone else's fear led to self-doubt and a shift from intuitive knowing. This serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of protecting our dreams from naysayers and distinguishing between logical thinking and the subconscious mind - the birthplace of dreams.

The episode concludes with a leap into the quantum field, where our dreams can be a snapshot of a reality that already exists. We explore how our dreams can be a glimpse into a reality that already exists in the quantum field. A special treat awaits all dream chasers as I offer you all a FREE hypnosis audio designed to boost hopes and inspire you to keep pursuing your dreams.

The overall message of the episode is one of trust, confidence, and the belief in our ability to manifest our dreams. By acknowledging our fears, taking calculated risks, and maintaining high hope frequency, we can navigate our path to manifestation and turn our dreams into reality.

This episode serves as a gentle reminder that the journey to manifesting our dreams may be filled with obstacles, but with the right mindset and strategies, we can overcome these challenges and make our dreams a reality.



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Have you ever been nervous about getting your hopes up too much as it relates to your manifestations or dreams, that if you were to believe in yourself, that you were to let your hopes get up so high that it would just be that much further to fall if it doesn't end up coming true? Well, that's what we're going to be exploring here today, in today's episode, as you allow your hopes to soar on your way towards destination manifestation. Oh yeah, take a step back for the ones who can't do that. I'm just afraid from my past. Alright, hello, hello. I'm your host, brittany Hoops, and here we are destination manifestation. I should have took a bigger gulp of air there before I sang that song, but I'm so happy you're here. If you're watching the video version, you can see I'm wearing my pink today because Hubby Mann and I are going on a date to go see Barbie. I know I'm like months late on this. I tend to be that kind of way when it comes to pop culture things. I'll jump on the bandwagon like years or months later, but we're having a little date night tonight, which I'm excited about. If you're already subscribed to the show, let me just tell you a big ol' thank you, you destination manifestation traveler. You, I am so excited to see what you manifest from all the goodies we have in store in each and every single one of these episodes. You're incredible. But if you are here for the first time, welcome as well.

This is episode six, so let me ask you this have you ever had the thought what if I put all this time, all this energy, all this effort into manifesting my dreams and it doesn't pan out? For me, it doesn't work? Like is my head just in the clouds? Am I just kidding myself, thinking that this is you know, can happen for me? And really I'm just like delusional and everyone around me is snickering and thinking, oh my gosh, what is she doing? Like I think that's the fear that a lot of us have. Like what if I'm just wasting my time going after these things that I want? And so we're going to dispel this worry here today so that you can rid yourself of this block, because this thought, this worry, is a block. It's going to be blocking you from what you want. You can trust yourself again, trust your dreams and your decisions again, and you can access the frequency of your manifestations, because I can tell you this the frequency of your manifestations do not exist on the same frequency of this question, and so let's answer the question.

This is usually what I do with my coaching clients. Whenever we're trying to distill what is the thought that's getting in the way, and it ends up being a question. That's usually when I ask my clients well, let's just go ahead and answer the question. What if let's answer this question? What if let's say you do put a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of energy into this manifestation and it doesn't work out? What happens then? Let's answer it. What's the risk in that?

Think about this for your own manifestation. What if you put in days, weeks, months, years? What if you put in your heart and soul? What if you put in all this action and it doesn't happen? I'm not even going to say doesn't happen, because failure is only if we stop, but what if it doesn't happen in the how that you envisioned it happening, in the timing you envisioned it happening in? What's the risk in that? Because here's the thing there's always a risk to doing something, but there's also a risk to not doing something. I'll explain what I mean. I think we hear the term risk and we automatically assume that it has this purely negative meaning. How many times did we hear our mother growing up like, oh, don't jump off that. Oh, that's too risky. Oh, that's this. We're always cautioned about all the things that could happen bad around us. I'm not saying we throw all caution to the wind and just jump off cliffs. That's not what I'm suggesting.

A risk, if we look at the actual definition, which I Googled and looked up before this episode. A risk, if we're looking at the noun version of it, is a situation involving exposure to danger. It doesn't automatically mean danger. Danger means danger. Risk means there's an exposure, there's a possibility to being exposed to danger. Yes, danger is something to be avoided.

Generally speaking, what is inherent in a risk is that it's unknown. It's involving exposure, opening yourself up. Opening yourself up, yes, to potential danger, not automatic, assumed 100% danger, but the potential to danger, but also opening up yourself to the potential of possibility, whereas not taking a risk that would be the opposite of exposure, right, what we would assume is protection or shielding, right? Not taking that risk shuts down all those possibilities. Sure, it might shut down the potential for danger, but it shuts down all the other possibilities too, whereas taking risks opens you up to possibility. Of course, some of the possibilities you might be open up to are ones that you want. Others might be dangerous ones that you don't want, but there's possibility there in risk.

So I'm not saying you should go be put yourself in all sorts of danger. Right, risk must be evaluated, like we're doing here today in this episode. But taking risk opens up possibility, while not taking that risk shuts down possibilities. And all that I'm asking you is just to make sure that the possibilities that you're shutting down aren't your dreams, because our dreams exist in those possibilities. Our dreams exist when we open ourselves up to possibility, which is taking a risk, being exposed to those things. Because, like I said, there's always a risk in doing something, but there's an equal amount of risk in not doing something as well. There are risks either way. It's up to you to evaluate and weigh the risks, the pros, the cons, to determine which risks you're willing to take.

I can't tell you. I've seen this in so many people, so many people who choose to just sort of stay stuck and do nothing and just stay frozen, and they're not making choices, they're not taking risks, and so they think that they're almost like pausing life or pausing time, because they fear taking these risks and they're like, okay, if I just like don't do anything and I just like stick here, then I'm not, I'm not exposing myself to any sort of danger. They think they aren't making a choice when they stand still in this fear. But that's a choice too. Not doing anything is a choice. It's an action In terms of we're thinking about what sort of actions are we taking? Are we not taking? Not doing anything is a choice. Not taking action is making a choice, as equally as if you made a choice to take an action. Standing still or staying the same is a choice. So which risks do you want to take? And let's just think of an example here, because examples are something easy to sort of dig your teeth into right.

Let's say you want to manifest a role on a TV show. Maybe you're an actor, maybe you're a want to be reality person, like I was one day. Let's just make it reality TV, because there's not a whole lot of scripted television going on these days. Let's say you want to apply to the show. You go to record your audition. You make sure your hair and your makeup is all looking good If you wear makeup. If you have hair right, you make sure you're looking nice. Honestly, I will say this If we're talking about actual reality TV, it was all the years that I used to over prepare, where I never made it on Big Brother, but it was the year that I only decided you know what? I'm giving this 30 minutes tops. I'm just showing up how I'm dressed today. I'm not going to make such a big deal out of this. That's the year that I actually got on the show.

So, just as a little side note, this over preparation may not even be required for your dreams. You might be making it harder and more effortful than it even needs to be. So perhaps less is more. Sometimes, especially when you're aligned, less might be quite more. So let's say, you're doing this though You're applying, you're taking that risk of putting yourself out there, right?

What is the risk in doing this? Well, the risk might be that you wasted your afternoon if you don't get on the show, right. But really, the bigger risk is more of an emotional one. Those are often the biggest risks that we do encounter as we go after our manifestations in our dreams. You're allowing yourself to get your hopes up. You're allowing yourself to admit that you wanted something. Other people, even yourself, might think that you're crazy for going after these things. That might not happen for you. These are all valid risks that you're taking when you actually take action and do something in the direction of your dreams.

And I want to come back to all this because it's super important. So those are the risks about going after being on that TV show. Right, but what's the risk of not giving your time, your energy, your effort to your manifestation? Well, the risk there is that it won't happen. Right, you wouldn't apply. The risk is not taking the risk meaning not being open to the possibilities, the opportunities, even if they may feel dangerous or they may be tied to unsavory feelings. You're just shutting all that down. You're shutting down possibility.

And so let's get back to this TV example. Okay, one risk is that you want it and it falls through, but at least you went after it. And there's more of an emotional risk there, right, of the risk of disappointment if it doesn't happen on the kind of timeline or within the how that you want it to. But the other risk not even applying at all doesn't even give you a chance, doesn't even open yourself up to any sort of possibility for it to happen at all. Which risk do you choose?

And I want you to apply this to your own manifestation what risk are you taking by doing the thing? And what are you risking by not doing the thing? Because our success, our dreams, our manifestations, they all choose the realm of possibility, they all live in the realm of possibility. It's there and it's just waiting for us. It's the three step process of manifestation I'm sure you're quite aware of right. We ask, we have a desire. This happens the moment that we have a little inkling in our heart, right Immediately, the universe responds. You ask, it's given. And then 99.9% of the rest of the manifestation process is all about getting into energetic alignment with what has been created by the universe, what exists in the quantum field. So let's conquer these two core things that can come up when you are deciding to take that risk and to choose the possibility of your manifestation, when you go out on a limb and you show up for your dreams.

That risk well, like we talked about before, there's the fear of getting your hopes up. Getting your hopes up, allowing yourself to feel excited for something even when it hasn't manifested in your 3D reality just yet the real problem with getting your hopes up isn't really about getting your hopes up at all. It's just that you aren't keeping your hopes up long enough, right? You're too attached to a particular how or the timing on that route to your manifestation. You can just believe in the manifestation itself, unattached to all these other little particulars that you've been not wanting to get your hopes up about. Letting go of the how, letting go of the timing, allow your hopes to be up this month and the next month and the next year, or however long it needs to take. Does the timing really matter?

If you know and you believe in the truth of your manifestations, honestly think about that for the thing you're wanting to manifest right now. If you knew for sure it was going to happen without a doubt, whether it was tomorrow or 10 years from now would you be okay with that? I know I asked myself like okay, even if I had to wait a decade to be a mother? If I knew for sure I was going to be a mother, I'd be okay with that. In fact, I'd probably enjoy my 30s a whole lot more if I knew for sure a decade later I'd be. You know these things would happen. You got to trust in the existence of it, irregardless to the timing or the how or the things that we sort of layer on top of it. So not wanting to get our hopes up is because we're fearful that those hopes will come crashing down at some point.

But what if you get your hopes up and you allow them to stay up? What if your hopes are up because they're not tied to anything like timing or a specific how? Can you get your hopes up? By not needing to define or know the how, or realizing that you will explore however many hows. It takes right. That's how your hopes can stay up. And if this manifestation is true for you, the timing doesn't matter, whether it's tomorrow or its years from now, you'll get it. So, therefore, your hopes can stay up. They won't crash down.

And so I want you to try this on for size here. I want you to just sort of visualize, if it's safe to do so, just sort of in your mind's eye. I want you to almost visualize. Your hopes are kind of like a balloon. I want you to like blow up this balloon. That's me blowing up a balloon, blow up the balloon of hope, okay, and just the air in this balloon is just filled with this beautiful hope, this hopeful energy. And I want you to just visualize your hopes, like this balloon that's on a string, maybe it's got helium. It's like helium hope in this balloon that just goes up and up and up and up.

And here you were, before we've had this discussion. Here you were weighing down that balloon with these weights, this weight of the how how is this manifestation going to come about? The weight of the timing when is this manifestation going to come about? They're just these weights that are attached to this beautiful little hopeful balloon that just wants to fly upwards. But this is weighing it down. And I want you to just untie those weights in your mind's eye from that string and just allow your hopes to just fly high, let them soar when months might pass by and how's the how of how it will come about might come and go, but your hopes can still fly high. They can fly free because you can tune into the truth of your deep inner knowing.

This is meant for you, your manifestation is meant for you. You just have to allow your hopes to go up and up and up until they match and you can maintain that frequency, but upward momentum. The frequency of your desires exist up at the level of your hope. And so just zoom out, just see the full picture of it all, see where your manifestations exist, see where that hopeful balloon has just risen and risen and risen to higher and higher frequencies, higher and higher vibrations, higher and higher and better and better and clearer and clearer matches to where your manifestations exist. Because the longer you allow your hopes to be up and to stay up, the more you'll start trusting your high hopes. And it's from this place of high hope where we become more aligned to our desires and our ideas for how our manifestations can come to fruition.

Because it's so funny, it's like once we get to that higher frequency place, that clearer place above the clouds of doubt, once we allow our hope to rise above to this clearer place, ideas and inspiration, intuitive nudges, all these things begin to speak to us. We're able to hear them from that place of clarity. Our desires exist on the wavelength of our belief and you have to have hope to grow into belief. And getting your hopes up is just another way of saying that you're boosting your energetic alignment to the frequency of where your desires exist. But you gotta keep yourself at that frequency for long enough to see it. You gotta let the universe do its thing, you gotta match it and you gotta be there to receive it.

It's like imagine if you went to go pick up a package at UPS, say UPS was holding a package for you, and you walk in and you say, yep, I'm here to receive a package. And the lady behind the counter says, great, I'll go get that for you. And then you just like, oh well, it's not here, I'm just, I'm leaving. You don't have my package. I'm leaving. My hopes are crashing down, god, you run out of the UPS store kicking and screaming and she's like, lady, I just needed to go to the back and get it for you. Like, calm down, like we have to allow our hopes to stay up high enough so that the universe can go get the package for us and so that we can receive it. We gotta be there to receive it. If we go running out of the UPS store kicking and screaming and shouting, we're not gonna be there to receive the package of our manifestations. We have to be there long enough to receive it, to see it, to receive it, to believe it, to have that hope grow into belief Plus. I always say this if you don't have your desires in your 3D form and your reality quite yet, can't you at least gift yourself the joy of getting a little taste test of these desires in your mind? Shouldn't you at least get to earn that? You know it's so funny.

I had this conversation with one of my one-on-one hypnotherapy and coaching clients of mine the other day, and she's currently in school to become a chef, a master chocolatier. Ooh, which sounds like so much fun. And she's had this dream for such a long time. But there have been so many road bumps, so many blocks along the way. Her timing isn't what she wanted. She's older than she wanted to be going to school. This and this and this and this, right, but she's doing it now. That's all that matters. She's doing it now. She's in school and she's making it happen. And she wants to open her own chocolate shop. I don't know if there's a. I'm sure there's a more fancier name chocolate. I don't know there's a fancier name for that, but chocolate shop, right Place where that sells chocolate.

And so I was asking her what's it gonna be like the shop? Visualize the colors, the shapes, the sounds, mmm, the smells, the taste. Right, really, let yourself go there in your mind's eye. And she started to get a little emotional because she said that she hadn't even let herself consider that yet, because she didn't wanna get her hopes up. She didn't wanna visit that shop in her mind because the possibility of it not happening not believing in herself that it could happen was far too painful. She'd rather just shut that all down. Right, she didn't wanna take the risk, she just wanted to shut down all the possibility and at least she could pre-plan for that pain rather than allowing her hopes to go up and then have them all crashing down. But actually it's quite the opposite.

Here I was talking about Barbie movie earlier today. Right, you know how most of us decide if we wanna go see a movie, we watch the previews. Previews are great. They give us a little snippet, a little taste test of the actual movie. And visualizing your desires within your mind costs nothing of you, and yet you have everything to gain. It's the preview to your manifestations. And so heck, I say, if you haven't manifested it yet, at least give yourself the taste test. At least allow yourself to get to experience how beautiful and wonderful and great it feels in your mind, because that's free and it doesn't need to be real or not to get to experience that right Especially for the chocolate shop Give yourself that taste test of visualizing your desires now.

There's no need to have to wait until they're here in 3D form to get to experience the happiness and the joy and the beauty of that. You can create that all within your mind right now. You don't have to wait, you don't need to know the how it's there. You can feel proud of how you'll feel looking around your very own shop and her example, or whatever your manifestation happens to be. You can feel that now, and so that's what we did. We practiced in our session. We practiced visualizing the space and she felt her hopes starting to go up and I said good, because your manifestations live at the frequency of high hopes, and the more you visualize your dream, the more you give your brain, your subconscious mind, that blueprint. You show it. Here's where we're going. It's like putting it in the GPS right, what you want.

Your mind and your subconscious mind begins to acclimate to your desires and the stronger your belief becomes. It's like dipping your toe into a hot tub. You get used to the temperature after a while. Right. You visit, like, say in her example, she visits her chocolate shop in her mind again and again, and again and again Her brain starts getting used to the concept of her owning a chocolate shop. It's just another day in the shop. It feels real to her, she believes it. She's gotten used to visiting this place. It isn't this magical thing that feels out of her realm of possibility. She goes there every day in her mind. Your belief begins to match that frequency of your hopes.

I always think of it this way Do you think like Tree branches? Do you think they're scared of being so high up in a tree? No, that's just their natural place to be. They know nothing else, right? Do you think that fish are scared of being underwater? I don't even know. Fish know what water is like until they're not in it anymore than maybe they do. It's just their natural, acclimated place to be. And so you can do this too.

Once you stay at the vibration of your high hopes, once you get used to being up there in those high hopes for long enough, it just kind of becomes your new baseline, where you kind of look back and you're like oh my gosh, why did I ever? Why was I ever scared of Living life up here. It feels so good to live life up here. It feels so good to believe in my success. Just because believing in my success feels good, because it feels pretty awful to not believe it, and why not give myself that gift here, in the present moment, and that's just called belief. Oh, and then, once you get to that place, then you get the added bonus, the fact that your manifestations are just right around the corner. That's that all of a sudden, your actual 3d manifestations become just kind of like a cherry on top. You're like, oh, I've been so busy in my mind already believing in this that by time it actually happens, it doesn't even really feel like that big of a deal, because it's like, oh, I felt this a million times already and I love that every big manifestation I've had in my life has followed this exact pattern. I'd live there in my mind day after day after day after day. I get to feel all the good feelings that I would feel once it becomes a reality. And then, once it actually becomes a reality, I'm like, oh, yeah, this is very normal to me. I've already experienced this a million times in my mind. Yay, now it's 3d on to the next thing.

And so this client of mine, once she allowed herself to have that mental taste they're in her mind of what her chocolate shop would look like, smell like taste, like mmm. She got so excited and it started to actually feel real to her. That helped boost her belief, because before she wouldn't even let herself go there. So how in the world was it ever supposed to feel real? And it started to feel really good to her, and anytime it didn't feel good for her to be there in her mind's eye, to be in that chocolate shop. That pointed something out very valuable to us. It showed us the thoughts, it showed us the blocks that we needed to sort out in upcoming sessions. It gave us the blueprint for what might be still standing in her way, anything that didn't feel good, because she knew that when she was there it would feel good. And so she got to experience the thrill of her manifestation ahead of time watch that preview of the movie there in her mind. And she started a Pinterest board and all these other forms of active dreaming, which just made this whole process so much more fun and so much more believable for her. She actually was starting to take action and she wasn't so scared to show up to school to do big projects, to start coming up with her business plan. She wasn't so scared to do those things anymore because it felt real to her.

So what about this other thought Whether you have it for yourself or others, share it with you this thought of thinking that you're crazy Because you keep going and there's so much to unravel with all this. And I, I will tell you I understand this thought. I've been there. I felt this when I started my millionth business. I felt this way when I applied to big brother for the seventh year in a row. You sometimes, when you do things over and over and over again, especially when you haven't been in energetic alignment before, you can feel a little like crazy for continuing to go after it.

I think the biggest example of when I fell into this trap and I'll share it with you so you don't fall into the same trap too, okay Is I was dating who is now my husband? Okay, spoiler alert, we got married, but I was dating my boyfriend For seven years and he had yet to put a ring on it. Oh, I'll show you the pretty ring if you're watching youtube. Oh, it's beautiful he had. This did not exist. This was, in my mind, okay, and I believed in it. I'll tell you, I really truly did. I knew we were meant to be together. I knew he was my person, my soulmate. I knew he felt the same way. I knew we were going to get married, except for one day.

One day I talked to this friend who, I can say, is not really a friend anymore and who wasn't really that great of a friend back then either, and I remember having this conversation with her where she was basically like Britney, like almost like she was trying to have like an intervention with me. She was like Britney, are you sure he's interested? Like I just don't want you to get hurt. You know, usually in these cases, maybe, like have you checked his phone? Is he talking to other women? Like, are there other things?

Like she was basically questioning our relationship and the fact that we'd been together for so long and yet we weren't engaged, it wasn't moving forward. Like something must be wrong. What's wrong, britney? And it was so crazy because I did not have these beliefs before. But all of a sudden she starts questioning and I'm like trying to come up with answers, but like she's looking for like this logical reasoning from me and like I'm trying to describe to her like a gut feeling, a gut knowing that like things are good, we're good, and I couldn't like produce any like hard evidence for her of why it had taken this long.

And it really started to get into my head, and so I remember hanging up the phone, just like all in a tizzy thinking, oh my God, I must be in complete denial. This man's been playing me for a fool here. I was loving him, when really I'm just this crazy, delusional lady who's been waiting for so long. I must not be seeing the truth of the situation. I was like I was like in it, okay, like she like got to me, I took on here Let me rephrase this I took on her thoughts. That was for me. If I would have had, if I would have known what I know now, I could have put up a nice little shield and been like you know what? No, thank you, don't want to take on those thoughts, but I didn't. I took on her thoughts and I remember later that day I brought it up to him. I was so. I was so like, oh my gosh, you were not playing me for a fool Like I was in this rage and this panic I'm sure my husband remembers this conversation and I was just like I don't want to be played for a fool Like you will not make a fool out of me, as my friend had suggested, and I needed an answer from him.

I needed him just to tell me right now, just tell me, although I didn't really need an answer, like the me before this phone conversation didn't need an answer. I had the answer already. It's just I let this friend get into my head. I was perfectly fine with all of this before this phone call. But here I had, like I had like ingested her thoughts, right About it.

And we were sitting there in the living room and he just kind of looked at me. He just I'll never forget his face. He just kind of had these like wide eyes looking back at me and through kind of like gritted teeth, he was like it's coming and he just sort of gave me this look that was like don't make me tell you and ruin the surprise, like just stop, stop doing what you're doing. And it just sort of like hit me like a ton of bricks, like oh, this isn't even my doubt, like this was someone else's doubt and I took it on and, of course, like, a month later, during this lavish vacation he had planned as a complete surprise to me, he even contacted my work and got me off work. At the time I wasn't an entrepreneur, at the time I worked for someone else he literally, like, arranged me to have PTO days to go on this surprise vacation. Like my boss knew about it and I didn't, and of course that was the vacation that he proposed to me on and he had already even bought the ring by time we had had this conversation.

But I had realized through this whole experience that I had adopted someone else's fear about my goals. It wasn't even my own, and so where might you be adopting someone else's fear about your goals? I know we talked about this in our last episode, episode five, about what do you do when there's naysayers right In your life. You just have to be cautious about what, whose thoughts you take on. So let's say you've done the first step here, that we talked about your hopes. They're flying high, you're feeling good, but then someone else a friend, a family member, anyone comes on by and they're just trying to pull that string attached to your hope balloon that's flying high there and they're just trying to yank it down, suggesting that you might be crazy or not realistic or not in touch with the reality of the situation. If you still believe in this dream, no matter what's been happening or how long it's been, what do you do? First of all, I'd say be very cautious about whose thoughts you adopt as your own, just like we talked about in our last episode, episode five. Let my story be a cautionary tale to you of what happens when you doubt your own inner knowing in exchange for someone else's fear.

I was feeling just fine. I knew how much my boyfriend at the time loved me and how much I loved him. I knew we were going to get married. I was confident in our relationship. It didn't even matter if we got married, I just loved who we were together. In that moment, I was having fun with him. It wasn't until this friend started to look at me with pity and suggest that I was wrong and that I might not be seeing the reality, I might be being, you know, bamboozled in some way, that I began to question things and so really examine the thoughts that others are offering you and decide if you want to keep them or not. Don't let them pop your hope balloon, okay, cause that's what they're trying to do. They want their world to fit into their worldview, which is usually pretty bleak, and that's another thing.

Many people are going to prioritize logic and what has already been created over energy and what you're creating. Okay, there's creators, and then there's people who benefit from creation. Who are you going to be? Are you the creator or are you the one that's waiting for things to happen? Many, many, many people are waiting for things to happen, while many, many other people are the ones that are making the things happen. It's, it's ying and yang, it's balance. It's just which side are you going to be on? A lot of people pride themselves on their logic. Our school systems reward logic, logical thinking, and I'm not saying logical reasoning is a bad thing. It can be very useful in many situations. You need to solve the math problem. Great, use your logic.

But it's not where our dreams are created. It's usually not in the creation, the creating part of the equation. In fact, through hypnosis, our primary focus is to soften and to relax our logical, analytical thinking brain so that when we're in that relaxed state and it's sort of off onto the sidelines. We can access the part of our mind where the magic is made, where creation is made, so that we can access our subconscious mind, where our emotions, our imagination, our memories, our automatic bodily functions they all reside, where our connection to all that is resides our intuition. We have both these sides to us, but what's interesting is only about 10% of our brain power is dedicated to our conscious and our logical mind, whereas the other 90% is dedicated to our subconscious mind. So to prioritize and put that 10% on this pedestal cuts us off from the part of us that creates and dreams.

I mean, we live in a society where it's assumed that our logical brain does everything, but anyone who's done and accomplished big dreams will tell you that it often took going against the grain and trusting in something bigger than themselves, trusting in a deep inner knowing and a trust and an intuition, to reach places where most people don't go. Again, it's about taking that risk, being open and exposed to possibility. Are you willing to risk not being like most people? Okay, that's why some people think you're crazy when you pursue your dreams, because to be crazy is to be unlike most people. But who determined what was crazy and what was not Right, especially when it pertains to going after big dreams. That means believing when most people would have given up, because most people don't create big things.

Most people are stuck in that 10% of their mind that looks at what is and benefits from the creation of others. Most people hate to say it, but most people live small lives that are ruled by that logical thinking and what you say. Most people I don't know about you, but most people you know are sad and they want more from their lives, but they rely too heavily on the 3D world of what has already been created, the 3D world of effects around them, to determine what's possible for them. They have to see it first before they will start believing in it, whereas seeing it in your inner mind first, through the subconscious mind, is what creates it to be seen by others. Most people are reactionary rather than creative, meaning that they don't create their own lives. They react to what has already been created. Most people live lives that were handed to them. They've taken the risk of non-choice or no choice and therefore they've squashed their any sort of exposure to possibility.

This is like Halloween's approaching, you know. I shudder just thinking about it, you know, and if most people think that you're crazy for pursuing this goal and believing in yourself, they just realize that you're not living like them. Do you want to be living that way? I'm. You know it makes me scared. It's okay. Some people want to and that is fine. Just make sure you like your choice Because I'll tell you right now, people who have done big things, they won't question your sanity.

They really won't. If you talk to somebody who has done big things and has put themselves out there and that risked everything for their dreams, they'll be like you go girl, like keep going. Like you got this. They'll believe in you. They'll understand, they'll support you, no matter what. They know that the only thing that can get in your way, the only way you could potentially ever fail, is if you give up. They understand that because they live that They'll encourage you to keep going. That's why I always say surround yourself with people who have accomplished more than you have, because they won't be judging where you're at. That was them. They understand they were at that place. It's only when you surround yourself with people who haven't done what you're trying to do that they start trying to tear you down and, like you know, pop your hope balloon or whatever.

So I want to leave you with this we're all on a journey. Our whole lives is just this one big, beautiful journey towards many different destination manifestations. It's not just one destination and we journey there, and then we get there and we vacation there for a while, and then we go journey to the next destination and we vacation there for a while. We have all these little destinations, destination manifestations that mean nothing if we don't enjoy the journey along the way. There's literally no point because the journey is our life. And so what if you put all that time, that effort, that energy in manifesting your dreams and it doesn't work? What if it just means that you learn lessons along your journey? That's all it means, lessons that will propel you to your next path that you take. The journey only ever stops if you stop. You only ever stop making progress if you literally like, put the brake on right. You're in this car going towards destination manifestation. You only ever stop your journey if you put on the brake, if you stop. And that's the only time you'd ever waste on this road trip, on this journey right.

Otherwise, you're learning, you're growing, you're understanding yourself in new ways, which is a valuable use of time, a valuable use of life. It's so much more valuable than just staying stuck in one place. This is exactly where you're meant to be and what you're meant to be doing right now. Allow that, that deep inner knowing, to help you move forward with confidence. Only entertaining or listening to others if it helps bolster you in the direction of your dreams. Only take directions from people who you trust, knowing that it's all working out for you, because the more confidence you feel, the larger, faster, bigger steps you're going to take in the direction of your destination manifestation.

And remember, road trips are supposed to be fun. This journey is supposed to be fun, so enjoy it. Allow yourself to put your head in the clouds purely because it feels good. Allow yourself to get your hopes up just because it feels good to get to mentally visualize and experience your manifestation ahead of time. That, as an action, feels good. It's a fun pastime to enjoy your manifestations early, to watch the previews. You don't need any other reason. It's okay to do something just because it feels good. I know religions often teach us otherwise, but it is okay. You don't earn any extra special stars or special badges for guarding your heart and tampering and dampening your frequency. If you focus on what is, you're just going to create more of what is so you need. In order to create something new, you need to focus somewhere new and you can do that in your mind. You can create anything in your mind, so allow your hopes to just sort of float up like that balloon far up into the clouds where the frequency of your dreams live. Doesn't it feel so good to go up there, watch that preview to your movie, your manifestation movie? Watch the previews, see, feel and experience yourself there, releasing the how, releasing the timing, just relishing in the, in the is-ness of it there in your mind, because when it's there in your mind, it's true. That's you like looking into the portal of the universe that's already created for you.

I remember I used to wake up at night and again our dreams right, the dreams that we have at night are our subconscious mind, and I used to wake up from these incredibly vivid dreams of being on stage with Julie Chen, the host of Big Brother, being on stage with her and about to go into the Big Brother house. I just have these incredibly vivid dreams. I mean I would almost call them like lucid dreams, like they felt so real. They felt so real and I would wake up in the morning and you know, have you ever had a dream that felt so real? And then there's like a couple of seconds lag time before your conscious mind is like completely back online and you're like, oh, that's a dream, like that's how it used to feel. I would wake up and it would like literally bother me for at least a good half a day I'd be like man. I just wish I was still asleep, like that was so much fun just to be there, even if it was in my dreams, it was so much fun.

And now that you know that dream did come true in my 3D reality I wasn't, you know, I was in the Big Brother house I began to think like, wow, I think that was. It felt so real because it was like. I think it felt so real because that was a glimpse, that was a portal into the reality that the universe had already created for me, that I was just allowing in. It existed. And why it felt real is because I actually was there. That's a reality in the quantum field that existed, that the universe gave me a sneak preview to do that. You can do that deliberately.

Do it until it feels so very real, because when it does, that's universe like opening up the window and letting you peer in to what exists already, relish in the is-ness of it, find what feels good about it and stay there longer. Milk it, because, trust me, you allow your hopes to stay up long enough. You won't have to let them stay up for long, because soon enough you'll be living it in your 3D reality and people will be asking you how you believed in yourself and your dreams against all those odds. They'll be wanting your advice and then you'll share this episode with them and they'll understand, right. Just point on my way. Say oh, yep, episode 6. Britney's got it. That's how it works. All right, thank you. Destination Manifestation Travelers. You guys are so great. You got this. I know you do. You're so good.

And if you haven't done so already, be sure to subscribe to this podcast, because next week we're going to be exploring what if you don't know any other way than how you've always been, and yet, how you've always been, you decide you want to change. How can you create a future that you have no experience in, a future that you have never had? Because here's the thing Like we talked about today. You can't create a new and different future based on your past. Otherwise, you'd just be right back there again. You'd be creating more of what has already been, and that's what I'm going to be showing you. That is going to be a how to guide on how to reverse engineer your future from the future and reverse engineer it to your now, so that you can follow that path. I'm going to show you how.

And one other thing I'd like you to do after listening to this episode is this I want you to visit britneyhoopscom slash manifestation audio. I'll link it to the end of the show notes here, and that's where you're going to find an audio that's designed to help you get those hopes up. Y'all we're going to, you're going to let that balloon of hope fly free and you're going to keep them up and you're going to enjoy the deliciousness of doing so. How good that feels to do so. And this hypnosis audio that I created for you is designed to help you experience that sneak peek of your dreams. Right now, you get in tune with the subconscious mind, where that lives. It allows you to create that portal where the universe can show you what's in store, where you can really see, feel and experience what it's like to have your manifestations, so that you can bolster up that belief on the subconscious level and really truly create your desires. You're going to be the kind of person who creates, not just reacts to what others have created.

Sounds pretty sweet, right? So get it there. It's free for you. Britney Hoopscom slash manifestation. Audio Link is in the show notes. And I'll see you next time. I hope this podcast episode today reminds you that you have a choice, that you have a choice on what risks you take. You have a choice on what decisions you make, and I hope you're making those choices, you're taking those risks towards the possibilities of your dreams. Thank you, for this podcast is by a cube and I'll be sure to catch you next time.


How to Reverse Engineer Your Future


What Do You Do if Your Friends or Family Don’t Support Your Manifestations?